Matt Gautreau

Using the List Monad to Write Prolog-Inspired Haskell

At the University of Arizona, there is a Comparative Languages course that is designed to introduce students to different programming language paradigms. This semester, the languages taught were Haskell, Ruby and Prolog.

Going in, I had a small Haskell background, and had never touched either of Ruby or Prolog. I found that using backtracking to solve problems in Prolog was extremely powerful. On my (long) walk to class today, I realized that I could probably simulate backtracking in Haskell, using lists. After some quick googling, I confirmed that the list monad (or non-determinism monad, if you will) can be used for exactly that. I came across Useful Idioms that will Blow Your Mind that had some simple(ish) examples of using the list monad for a backtracking style solution, much like how one would solve a problem in idiomatic Prolog.

The Brick Laying Problem

Suppose we had a collection of bricks, all with the same height, and variable lengths. We might represent this collection as a multiset or a list. The problem at hand is to make combinations of these bricks that when placed side by side, all have the same length. This will constitute a row. Then we create multiple rows in order to create some sort of wall.

This problem is taken from the University of Arizona’s CSc 372 Spring 2014, as taught by Mr. William Mitchell. Specifically, see his Prolog slides page 184.

Prolog Solution

We first have a predicate layrow that, given a multiset of bricks, and a desired length for the row, create a possible ordering of bricks to make up a row.

layrow(Bricks, 0, Bricks, []).

layrow(Bricks, RowLen, Left, [Brick|MoreBricksForRow]) :-
  getone(Brick, Bricks, Left0),
  RemLen is RowLen - Brick, RemLen >= 0,
  layrow(Left0, RemLen, Left, MoreBricksForRow).

layrow works by selecting a brick, making sure we haven’t gone over the length of our desired row, then attempting to make a row with of length RowLen - Brick.

Now we take layrow and use it to implement laybricks, which will create multiple rows from the bricks provided.


laybricks(Bricks, Nrows, RowLen, [Row|Rows]) :-
  layrow(Bricks, RowLen, BricksLeft, Row),
  RowsLeft is Nrows - 1,
  laybricks(BricksLeft, RowsLeft, RowLen, Rows).

Note that the implementation of laybricks is structurally similar to that of layrow, but now we must provide the desired row length as well as the desired number of rows.

Haskell Solution

For the Haskell solution, we will define functions layrow and laybricks as we did before, this time using the list monad to non-deterministically select elements of our multiset of bricks to add to a row.

Haskell vs. Prolog

The only major difference between the Haskell and Prolog solutions will be that the Prolog unifies the result variable with all possible solutions, presenting them in order as we indicate at the prompt; and the Haskell solution will produce a list of all possible rows of bricks.

Prolog is a pretty neat language. It definitely encourages interesting recursive backtracking solutions to problems. However, Haskell is such a powerful language that we can solve problems in a Prolog-ish manner using standard Haskell types, namely the non-determinism monad (good ol’ lists).

I think prolog is definitely worth learning, but there is a reason it never really caught on. Personally, if I wanted a backtracking solution to a problem, I would use lists in Haskell. I would have all the recursive backtracking power, with a more friendly language with useful libraries.

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